Would you like to feel better breastfeeding?

Would you like to feel better breastfeeding?
EPIBi Nursing Pads

Friday, January 28, 2011

Prolonged Sitting is Bad For You!

Prolonged Sitting is Bad for Your Heart!

So, get up and move about frequently.  Walk across the room to get what you need.

Alan Mozes, a reporter from HealthDay Reporter, wrote in Jan. 12 issue about a study conducted at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center at the Harvard School of Public Health. 

Dr. Murray A. Mittleman noted increased high blood pressure and heart attacks from prolonged sitting.  Cardiovascular (heart health) impact of sedentary lifestyle (not moving enough) are:  increased waistlines, higher blood pressure, high triglycerides (one type of fats that clog up our arteries), and lower good cholesterols (lowered level of good fats also clog up our arteries).

These risks happen to people who regularly go to the gym to work out.

Then, what is the best way to stay fit and lower blood pressure?  The Surgeon General recommends incremental activity throughout the day.  Fifteen minutes of walking 3~4 times is easier on the joint and gives just as much benefit as a whole hour's worth of exercise all at once.

This is also in step with the U.S. Surgeon General's 10,000 steps fitness initiative.  For an average sized person, it constitutes only 30 minutes of walking each day (for a petite person like me, it would be about 50 minutes of walking).  Break it into 10 minutes in three stretch-walk cycles or into 15 minutes in three stretch-walk cycles for more steps each day.  More steps we take, healthier we live.

Please consult your doctor if you are unsteady on your feet.


Brought to you by Elly Hann,
Creator of EPIBI reusable nursing pads and reusable hypoallergenic diaper liners

What is the EPIBI Diaper Liner?

EPIBI (pronounced as eh-pee-bee) Diaper Liners are available in stores and online.  They are designed for babies in cloth diapers.

Why are they beneficial to the skin?

They wick away moisture (urine) from the baby's skin and reduce amount of germs sticking to the skin.  EPIBI has layers of specialized fabrics that minimize friction on baby's tender skin.  Abrasion is a problem when cotton or hemp liners get wet.  They are light in weight, soft to touch,and protect the skin from the rubbing of cloth diapers.

Wouldn't you like your baby to have them for protection?  Photos below show the difference between rough, pilling surface of cotton liner vs.  soft, smooth surface of the EPIBI Diaper Liner.
 Submitted by Elly Hann,
Maker of EPIBI reusable nursing pads & reusable hypoallergenic diaper liners

What is the EPIBI Starter Pack?

EPIBI (pronounced as eh-pee-bee) products are the most skin-friendly mother/baby products on the market.  Because they wick away moisture, super smooth (no pilling), antimicrobial to discourage germs, and dry quickly.  They are the ideal products for the breastfeeding mother and all babies.

EPIBI has a new line of products called EPIBI Starter Pack.  The Starter Pack is designed for a new nursing mom who has not quite figured out what she needs.  Milk is just coming in, and moisture needs to be managed.

The EPIBI Starter Pack offers one pair of Super Absorbency Nursing Pads + one pair of Regular Absorbency Nursing Pads.

How does a nursing mom use them?  Most often, she needs the Regular Absorbency pads during the day, and the Super Absorbency pads for the extended wear at night. 

Please feel free to post your comments.

Elly Hann, creator of EPIBI reusable antimicrobial nursing pads and reusable hypoallergenic diaper liners

Launching EPIBI Reusable Nursing Pads & Hypoallergenic Diaper LIners

EPIBI (pronounced as eh-pee-bee) reusable antimicrobial nursing pads and hypoallergenic diaper liners are available in stores & online.  EPIBI products are created to increase the comfort of all moms and babies with skin issues.  They are designed to be breathable, antimicrobial, moisture-wick, and dry quickly.  They are also reusable many times over.

Nursing moms say:  My skin felt so much better compared to 100% cotton nursing pads or the disposable nursing pads.  They felt itchy or scratchy.  My rash felt much better with the EPIBI Nursing pads.

Diaper moms say:  My baby's bottom was wrinkled from lying in urine all night.  EPIBI Diaper Liners reduced his diaper rash and improved his skin.  I love them.

Elly Hann, creator of EPIBI reusable nursing pads and reusable hypoallergenic diaper liners